Wednesday, October 26, 2011

just a video for today. its really just a meps video. but I wanted to upload a video just to test it out...seeing of how its just me for now. =]

Monday, October 17, 2011

Entry Number Four:: EFF EM ELL

ARGH!!! So my life is one big complicated shitstorm. Sorry about the language...but goodness! Where to even begin? I understand that this blog shouldnt be too long, but in an effort to help certain people in my life understand why I made the decisions I made, I'd like to make it somewhat thorough. Right now I'm really stuck in the crossroads of life; to continue on with the Navy or leave it for Kevin? I know, it doesnt make sense with everything that I've been posting so far...but sometimes things change. Unfortunately, the fact that I do want to go into the Navy hasnt changed...but what about Kevin? I mean...what am I supposed to do about him? I signed my papers, I went in as an adult and made the decision to join the Navy but here I am doubting it like a little girl!

I dont know, I'm in love with my boyfriend...but all I want to do is go in the Navy. Kevin always tells me how I made that choice for the wrong reasons...but what if I didnt?

This whole entry is whiney I know, but honestly...I dont even know what to do with myself. So! Sorry for this waste of time. Until later...